How we use pytest and pytest-bdd in Paylogic.

How we use pytest and pytest-bdd in Paylogic

After some time of using pytest and pytest-bdd in Paylogic we developed some standards in the structure of folders with tests and fixtures, and the usage of pytest and pytest-bdd functionality. This article describes those standards and our usage patterns.

Folder structure

All our tests are stored in the tests folder in the root of the project folder. Our tests are separated by category, such as unit, functional, blackbox, etc. The tests are stored in the folders of their category. The structure looks as follows:






In tests/ we register all global fixtures that represent objects, such as event, order and merchant. Here we also register fixtures that represent attributes of objects like event_title, product_title, etc. The fixtures which are related to pytest-bdd, for example pytestbdd_window_size, pytestbdd_browser_load_timeout, etc., are also registered in tests/ because they are common fixtures for both our functional as well as our blackbox tests.

I use the term "common fixtures" because gives us the possibility to separate fixtures and pytest's plugins hooks, and register them only for those tests that use them. In our case, we have fixtures/hooks which are common for all tests and at the same time we have fixtures/hooks which are related only to functional/blackbox tests, for example pytestbdd_window_size. You can imagine that this fixture is only used by pytest-bdd and not by our unit tests.

Fixture imports

For registering fixtures we just import the fixtures from their packages. For example for registering the order fixture and fixtures that represent attributes of order object such as order_title, order_point_of_sale, etc. we just do:

from tests.fixtures.order import (

A fixture that represents an object, e.g. an order, typically looks as follows:

def order(
    """Fixture which represents an order object."""
    return create_test_order(

As you can see our order fixture is a regular pytest fixture, nothing special. It returns an instance of the Order model which in turn is created by the create_test_order testhelper function.

We are using testhelper functions for creating fixtures and for populating the database with initial data after re-creating it. We use testhelpers instead of loading JSON or YAML fixtures because attributes of models change frequently and we decided that it would be better and more flexible to use just a list of testhelpers that are called in the right order for creating initial data.

Fixture parametrization

Overriding fixture parameters

The order fixture inherits from lots of other fixtures because we want to have the possibility to override attributes with which the order will be created. We override these using @pytest.mark.parametrize or with argumented steps in pytest-bdd.

For example if we need to test an order with a different expiry_time we do it like this:

import pytest

def test_complete_order(order):
    assert order.state == OrderState.COMPLETED

Now, test_complete_order test will be executed twice and every time we will have an order with a different expiry_time.

We also use pytest.fixture(params=[...]) to set parameters for fixtures:

import pytest

@pytest.fixture(params=['', ''])
def client_ip(request):
    return request.param

From the example you can see that as soon as we run tests that use the client_ip fixture then pytest will run this test as many times as the number of parameters the client_ip fixture has defined (in this case of course two).

Now the question is of course, what is the difference between those two parametrization methods? The difference is that pytest.mark.parametrize will influence only the test on which it is explicitly defined, while pytest.fixture(params=[..]) influences every test that uses this fixture. If you would for example define three parameters for the above client_ip fixture, then each test using this fixture will now be executed three times, once for every param. You are basically creating three fixtures.

Regarding how frequently you would use pytest.mark.parametrize compared of pytest.fixture(params=[...]), it strongly depends on your code base, test code base and type of test. I don't think I can say anything meaningful about that in a general sense based on just our experiences.

Fixtures for mocking

We also use fixtures for mocking. For example in the settei project we needed to mock a required method of the pkg_resources.EntryPoint class, so we wrote the following fixture:

# tests/
def monkeypatch_entrypoint(monkeypatch, clean_config):
    """Monkeypatching EntryPoint."""
    monkeypatch.setattr(pkg_resources.EntryPoint, 'require', require)

Each time when your tests depends on this fixture, the require method of the pkg_resources.EntryPoint class would be mocked.

Functional testing

Parametrizing scenarios

We also use pytest.mark.parametrize for functional testing with pytest-bdd. If you for example need to test the functionality of creating a product, the scenario of successfully creating a product can look like this:

Scenario: Successfully creating a product
Given I am a backoffice admin
And I have an event

When I go to the New product page
And I fill in the name of the product
And I fill in the quantity of the product equal to 5
And I submit the form

Then I should see a success message

As you can see, nothing special. But if you for example need to test that a form should show an error message if the quantity of the product cannot equal 0, then you will create another scenario. It can look like this:

Scenario: Unsuccessful creating of product
Given I am a backoffice admin
And I have an event

When I go to the New product page
And I fill in the name of the product
And I fill in the quantity of the product equal to 0
And I submit the form

Then I should see an error message

As we can see there is a lot of double work here, which is something we should try to avoid. Luckily, there is a solution. Let's merge these two scenarios into one:

Scenario: Create product
Given I am a backoffice admin
And I have an event

When I go to the New product page
And I fill the name of product
And I fill in the quantity of the product equal to <product_quantity>
And I submit the form

Then I should see a <message_status> message

Then in your tests file you can define the scenario like this:

import pytest
from pytest_bdd import scenario

    ['product_quantity', 'message_status'],
        (5, 'success'),
        (0, 'error'),
@scenario('Create product')
def test_create_product(product_quantity, message_status)
    """Create product."""

And now in your given, when and then steps you can ask for the product_quantity and message_status fixtures.

@when('I fill in the quantity of the product equal to <product_quantity>')
def i_fill_the_quantity_of_product(product_quantity):

@then('I should see a <message_status> message')
def assert_that_i_see_message(message_status):

There is one more thing which we also use in testing, which is the step with arguments (or argumented steps).

Steps with arguments

Consider that, for some reason, you have a similar step in several scenarios, for example "Given I have an event with 2 products" and "Given I have an event with 5 products". In your test files you will then have two different steps defined that are actually almost the same. There is a solution which can help you use the same step for several scenarios with different behaviour.

In your scenarios you just write "Given I have an event with 2 products" and "Given I have an event with 5 products", as you did before, but in your file you write the following:

import re

from pytest_bdd import given

@given(re.compile('I have an event with (?P<product_quantity>\d+) products'))
def i_have_an_event_with_products(product_quantity):
    """I have an event with products."""

Now, if your event fixture uses the product_quantity fixture, then for each scenario you will get the event with a different quantity of products, depending on what you write in your feature file.

Scenario outlines

Scenarios can also be parametrized to cover multiple cases. In the Gherkin language the variable templates are written using corner braces, like so: <somevalue>. Scenario outlines are supported by pytest-bdd exactly as described in the behave docs.

A full example of a scenario outline can be found below.

Scenario Outline: Outlined given, when, thens
Given there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers

| start | eat | left |
|  12   |  5  |  7   |
from pytest_bdd import given, when, then, scenario

    'Outlined given, when, thens',
    example_converters=dict(start=int, eat=float, left=str)
def test_outlined():

@given('there are <start> cucumbers')
def start_cucumbers(start):
    assert isinstance(start, int)
    return dict(start=start)

@when('I eat <eat> cucumbers')
def eat_cucumbers(start_cucumbers, eat):
    assert isinstance(eat, float)
    start_cucumbers['eat'] = eat

@then('I should have <left> cucumbers')
def should_have_left_cucumbers(start_cucumbers, start, eat, left):
    assert isinstance(left, str)
    assert start - eat == int(left)
    assert start_cucumbers['start'] == start
    assert start_cucumbers['eat'] == eat

This code also shows the possibility to use converters which may be useful if you need parameter types different than strings.

There are two types of outlines, namely horizontal and vertical. These merely state how you write the possible values of the attributes. We saw an example of a horizontal outline above; the below is an example of a vertical outline. Note that you have to explicitly state "Vertical" to indicate that you are using the vertical outline type, otherwise pytest-bdd will default to horizontal.

Scenario Outline: Outlined given, when, thens
Given there are <start> cucumbers
When I eat <eat> cucumbers
Then I should have <left> cucumbers

Examples: Vertical
| start | 12 | 2 |
| eat   | 5  | 1 |
| left  | 7  | 1 |

Finally, you should not forget to register the given steps from functional/steps/ in functional/ in the functional folder.

# tests/functional/
from tests.functional.steps.given import *

Now your folder structure should look like this:




All things registered in tests/functional/ will now only be accessible in the scope of the functional tests.


That is how our core of storing/creating our tests looks like. I hope that this article will be useful for you. There are always ways to improve it and you are welcome in comments with your thoughts. We are planning to improve a relation between code and tests, fixtures.

Thank you for reading.
