

settei is a general purpose python settings library which uses entry points as a registry, inspired by setuptools. It is a library which provides the possibility to define and use configuration settings from entry points for specific applications and environments. settei introduces the following terms:

  • environment: the name of an entry point
  • group: a group of defined environments
  • application: part of a group's name and refers to the application to which settings apply

A minimal app that illustrates the use of settei can be found here.


At Paylogic we are extensively using Django web framework for most parts of our system. Django uses the concept of setting files, in which we can define application-specific settings, such as DEBUG. In the rest of the application we can access these settings using for example django.conf.settings.DEBUG. However, for other parts of our system we are using Flask, which follows a similar, but slightly different way to define configuration settings. In a Flask application a setting can be accessed by for example app.config['DEBUG'].

Soon we were confronted with the limitation to share configuration settings between Flask and Django applications. Additionally, we wanted to keep these configurations consistent. However, we found out that there was no framework-agnostic Python library for specifying configuration settings.

Moreover, as we have a clear separation between environments (e.g. dev, staging, live etc.), some configuration settings are either set in one environment and not in the others, or the same configuration settings have different values depending on the environment. The code however should not know anything about the environment in which it is executed. In this way the code does not need to be modified, even when multiple environments are used.

For this reason, we initially decided to create separate files to store configuration settings, which could also change depending on the environment. However, we ended up with many of these files, which at some point became cumbersome to maintain. Furthermore, some developers started importing settings from these files and others used the standard way of Django. The result of this is inconsistencies and conflicts, as the same setting can be imported from different places.


Based on this motivation, we came up with a number of requirements for a settings configuration system.

  • Introducing a new environment should be easy and without too much hassle.
  • We should have the possibility to inherit/extend settings from other environments. This would allow us to build a modular and extensible structure of configuration settings.
  • There should be no specific template structure involved for generating settings, because it gets really hard and cumbersome to read templates with tons of expressions.
  • It should be possible to store settings separately from applications and scripts. The advantage of this is that we can create secret settings (usually for the production environment) in a way that also makes them safe and that does not depend on a specific application.
  • A configuration settings system should be framework-agnostic so that it can be used when multiple frameworks are involved.


The most important design decision of settei is to base its implementation on the concept of entry points in order to create a framework-agnostic library for configuration settings.

Entry points

Entry points provide an intuitive way for distributions to expose Python objects, such as functions or classes, so that they can be used by other distributions. Applications can then search for specific entry points. settei uses the concept of entry points to define groups of environments.

So, what does using entry points mean? It means that we will have the possibility to store settings in a distribution. Then, if we want to get access to settings of e.g. a default or a local environment, we will need to have access to install this distribution and include this distribution in the PYTHONPATH of the script or application.

Groups and environments

A group is a container of environments. An example of a group with two environments could be:

setup (
    # ...
    entry_points = {
        'settings_application_name': [
            'default =',
            'local =',
        # ...
    # ...

The name of the group consists of two parts. The first is a standard prefix part, settings_, and the second is the name of the application. For example, settings_application_name, where application_name is the name of the application. The prefix part in the group name is mandatory as it helps settei to identify only entry points useful for it and iterate through them.

Each environment name inside a group must be unique. In our example, in the group settings_application_name there should only be one environment named default and only one named local. However, we can specify same environment names that belong to different groups. If we specify environments with the same name inside one group, then a DuplicateEntryPoint exception will be raised. This exception is used to avoid cases of scripts borrowing settings from each other. For example, lets assume that in the previous example we specified the default environemnt twice. It would not be clear from which file ( or we would read settings.

Example Usage

The settei package can be configured and used in a series of simple steps.

  1. Define groups and environments in the of the package.
  2. For each environment (e.g. default_settings), define the function to be used as an entry point.
  3. Implement this function in the environment files (e.g. They should create and return a new instance of Config with configuration settings for this environment.
  4. Use the get_config function in the rest of the package to read configuration settings for specific applications and environments.

The best way to explain how settei can be used is through examples. The rest of this section goes into more detail for each of the above steps.

Define groups and environments

As a first step, we need to define environments and put them into groups. We are free to choose the name of the function to be used as an entry point. In this case, we chose the name generate_config. Let's assume that our package contains two applications.

# package/
setup (
    # ...
    entry_points = {
        'settings_application1': [
            'default =',
            'local =',
        'settings_application2': [
            'default =',
            'local =',
    # ...

Create settings

To create settings, we need an instance of the Config class. In the following example, we are using the function named generate_config, which we specified as an entry point when we defined the groups and environments. The generate_config function, in our case, returns an instance of the Config class. Settings can then be created either directly in the code, be loaded from a python file, or come from an object. If there is any error during configuration or a Config instance is not returned, then a WrongConfigTypeError exception is raised.

# package/application1/
from settei.config import Config

def generate_config():
    config = Config()

    # create settings directly
    config['QUESTION'] = 'The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything'
    config['ANSWER'] = 41

    # or load them from a file

    # or from an object

    return config

Read settings

In order to use the settings of our package, we need to first install it using python install and make sure that it is in our path. We can then read and use settings in the rest of our package by using the get_config function. Note that in the get_config function we specify the application name and not the group name. For example, if we want to load settings for the application application1 and we have defined a group of environments with the name settings_application1, then in the get_config function we just use the name of the application, which in this case is application1.

from settei import get_config

# get config settings for 'applicaion1' application and 'local' environment
config = get_config('application1', 'local')

# get config settings for 'application2' application and 'local' environment
config = get_config('application2', 'local')

# now you can use it as you want
DEBUG = config['DEBUG']

If the environment from which we want to read settings does not exist, then an EnvironmentNotSpecified exception is raised.

Another way to define the desired environment is using the CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT environment variable.

# run in this way
$ env CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT='dev' python

Then, in when the get_config function is used, we do not need to specify an environment as it will use the dev environment that is defined by CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT.

# and in we can use get_config
from settei import get_config

# get config settings for 'application1' application and 'dev' environment,
# which has been specified when running
config = get_config('application1')

Settings inheritance

Settings can also inherit other settings. However, this is only possible for settings that belong to the same group of environments. For instance, if you want your local settings to inherit the default settings, then in the generate_config function you should mention the name of environment from which you want to inherit.

# in your application1/ file
# 'default' is the environment from which we want to inherit settings
def generate_config(default):

    # change a setting, the right answer is 42
    default['ANSWER'] = 42

    return default

If we read the local settings, then we will see that config['ANSWER'] setting returns the value defined in, as we would expect.

>> from settei import get_config
>> config = get_config('application1', 'local')
>> print config['QUESTION']
The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything
>> print config['ANSWER']

Inheriting other settings does not stop us from introducing additional ones. Attention should be paid though as new settings could be overwritten by any inherited ones with the same name.

# in your package/application1/ file
from settei.config import Config

def generate_config(default):
    local = Config()

    # change a setting, the right answer is 42
    default['ANSWER'] = 42

    # introduce an additional setting
    local['NEW'] = 'A new setting'

    # this will be overwritten with the 'ANSWER' from the 'default' environment
    local['ANSWER'] = 43

    # update the 'local' settings with the 'default' settings

    # local['ANSWER'] will be 42 here again
    return local

If the provided environment in generate_config is missing or not specified, then an EnvironmentIsMissing or EnvironmentNotSpecified exception will be raised respectively. If we try to specify more than one environment to inherit settings from, then a MoreThanOneDependencyInjection exception will be raised.


settei is a package, which bases its implementation on the concept of entry points from setuptools, to provide a maintainable way of creating configuration settings. settei makes it very easy and intuitive to introduce a new environment, e.g. a live environment, where settings usually differ a lot from those used during development. Finally, settings inheritance, which is accomplished by using dependency injection, provides the modularity and extensibility we needed.
